Blow Ye The Trumpet,

Blow Ye The Trumpet, Blow
The gladly solemn sound;
Let all the nations know,
To earth’s remotest bound:
The year of Jubilee is come,
Returning ransomed sinners home.

Jesus, our great High Priest,
Hath full atonement made;
Ye weary spirits rest;
Ye mournful souls be glad;
The year of Jubilee is come,
Returning ransomed sinners home.

Extol the Lamb of God,
The all‑atoning Lamb;
Redemption through His blood,
To all the world proclaim:
The year of Jubilee is come,
Returning ransomed sinners home.

Ye, who were sold for naught,
Whose heritage was lost,
May have it back unbought,
A gift at Jesus’ cost:
The year of Jubilee is come,
Returning ransomed sinners home.

The seventh trumpet hear,
The news of heavenly grace;
Salvation now is near;
Seek ye the Saviour’s face:
The year of Jubilee is come,
Returning ransomed sinners home.

Bible Students Hymnal,
Charles Wesley