A Door of Opportunity or "Redeeming the Time" Doors are very useful parts of a house and have been so for a very long time. They keep in the warmth to a building and they keep out unwanted people and animals. They can have quite exciting things behind them and in a sense offer a temptation to be opened. The first reference to a door in the Bible was to Cain allowing sin to be "crouching at the door." (Gen.4:7 RSV) It was an opportunity to do wrong. The next door to be shut and opened was that in the side of the ark which was operated at God’s command. Again it was like an opportunity; first to be saved from drowning and secondly as Noah and family with the animals stepped through it again, it was stepping out into a new world. There is possibly much similarity between doors and gates and they serve similar purposes in many ways. The words door and gate could be interchangeable in some circumstances. When Peter was brought out of prison by an angel he went to a house where disciples were praying and stood knocking at "the door of the gate" (Acts 12:13) or as more recently translated "outer door." Peter got involved with several doors. The two words may have changed their meaning a little over the centuries. A gate into a walled garden is like a door and has been referred to as such in stories. Exciting opportunities and possibilities lie behind such a door. There were "doors of opportunities" in Paul’s life. On his second great missionary journey Paul passed through Asia Minor (modern Turkey) visiting the churches he had earlier established. He, with Silas and Timothy sought to expand the work in the region but were prevented by the Holy Spirit. It was as if they were pushing at doors which were shut and at that time not to be opened. God had another door, a door which led to the Gentiles and this was ready to be opened. Later he was to be at Ephesus, writing to the church at Corinth (1 Cor.16:9 NRSV) he told them of a great or wide door that was opening for them to do "effective work." In his second letter the apostle again speaks of a door opened at Troas which at that moment he could not enter because of his concern for Titus. Then when he was in prison Paul wrote to the Colossians requesting their prayers on his behalf so that God would open a door of opportunity to preach the Gospel. (Col.4:3) Life is full of opportunities wherever we are and whatever our lifestyle. Prayer itself is a wonderful opportunity even when we are housebound or unable to move alone. It opens for us a door or window upon the world and all that God is doing in it. Our prayers can support and sustain our brothers and sisters in the multitude of activities in which they are engaged for the Lord. In his book "The Parables and Metaphors of Our Lord," G. Campbell Morgan, when discussing the parable of the "Pounds" (Luke 19:11‑27) refers to Paul’s words to the churches at Ephesus (5:16) and Colossae (4:5) about "redeeming the time" (KJV). He points out that the apostle is really writing about "buying up the opportunity" and several translations support this (Weymouth, the Amplified, New Living Bible, Williams, and NEB/REB). "Our business" writes Dr.Morgan is "to prosecute the commerce of the Kingdom of God with such diligence as characterizes the success of the merchant‑men in the market places of the world." God provides us with a multitude of opportunities to speak of Jesus and His love to all mankind, to express that love in all kinds of ways to all sorts of people. We tend to be choosy. We are governed by our feelings. Is it really true that we do what we like? Is it really true that we are being disobedient to the Master? If we love Him we will do what he wants irrespective of our feelings or personal desires. Is it so hard? So was going to Calvary, but He did it for you and me. Perhaps our problem lies in seeing and seizing the opportunity when it comes. We think too slowly. We act even slower. There is a solution to the problem. It has already been mentioned. It’s called prayer. Paul needed help in this respect. If that giant of an ambassador for Christ needed help, surely we do. We need to pray that God will show us clearly the opportunity as it’s coming and then give us the strength, the courage, and the wisdom to act. We need to pray for one another. God will answer those prayers. There are one or two references to doors in "The Revelation." The most well‑known of these, was captured in a wonderful picture by Holman Hunt. Jesus is standing outside the door of our heart waiting to share every opportunity in life with us. Have we really let Him in? Or are there some rooms within our heart where the door is still kept locked and where we would rather not allow our Lord to enter? So the Lord gives us a pound or opportunities today to trade within the marketplace of life. It may not be worth so much as a pound was worth ten or one hundred years ago. But its full value is "what it’s worth to the Lord today." We can make ten pounds with it. We may make five. We have a choice. There is no compulsion. Will that little coin still reside alone at the end of the day—one little pound in a napkin? We don’t all have the same pound’s worth. James died early as a martyr while brother John lived on till the days of Patmos. The other James, Jesus’ natural brother spent his life in Jerusalem while brother Paul went nearly to the end of the Empire. Some are like Ananias who opened the eyes of the great apostle. Some are like Tabitha who made garments for the poor. (Acts 9:39) We probably shall not be burned at the stake like Thomas Cranmer (1556) nor stand before thousands like a well‑known evangelist. He had his pound, and we have ours. My brother and my sister will have different opportunities. It is just as the Lord sees that we can manage. We stand on the edge of great opportunities—every morning. Our Father in Heaven is not trying to sort out yesterday’s failures or tomorrow’s possibilities. He is with us to make the greatest possible use of today’s opportunities. He can do it, if we will let Him. DN |