A Rendezvous With Love
I have a rendezvous with love Beneath the trees of joy, And through the leafy screen above The sunlight filters coy, And comes to me Love’s low refrain, And love has made me young again.
I have a rendezvous with love In bowers cool and fair, And birds that sing and flowers of spring I find forever there; In soft, melodious airs I’m blest, And zephyrs yield the balm of rest.
I have a rendezvous with love The world has older grown. At times I’ve sought and beauty wrought In canvas, page, and stone; But only as love formed a part The glory stole into my heart.
I have a rendezvous with love. I’m glad I found the place, For now I know there’s heaven below In spite of life’s swift race; And hopes, dove‑winged, all radiant, prove I have a rendezvous with love.
Poems of the Way Walter Sargent