Thoughts on Eagles

He will cover you with His wings. And under His wings you will be safe. He is faithful like a safe‑covering and a strong wall. (Psalm 91:4 NLV)


Father, grace for grace outpouring,
    show me ever greater things;
Raise me higher sunward soaring,
    mounting as on eagle’s wings.
By the brightness of Thy face,
    Father let me grow in grace.
Father, grace for grace out‑pouring,
    show me ever greater things.

Frances R. Havergal


None other could with Him compare
Among the sons of men;
He’s fairer, too, than all the fair
Who fill the heavenly train.

He saw us in our deep distress,
And flew to our relief;
For us he bore the shameful cross,
And carried all our grief.

Samuel Stennett


He by Himself hath sworn,
I on His oath depend
I shall, on eagles’ wings upborne,
To heaven ascend;
I shall behold His face,
I shall His power adore,
And sing the wonders of His grace
For evermore!

Golden Bells 22