God’s Judgment Day of Blessing
When the judgments of God are abroad in the land Then all of the children of men Shall learn of his righteousness—know of his love, And none shall have fear of him then.
For his knowledge shall flow to the ends of the earth, As the waters do cover the sea. Not any shall ask dost thou know of the Lord, For his Spirit shall over all be.
They will walk up the highway of holiness then, With nothing to hurt nor destroy, For sin shall be vanquished—the evil one bound, And sorrow shall give way to joy.
The Paradise lost, shall again be regained, And all those now dead in their grave Shall hear the sweet call of their Saviour and Lord Who died that their lives he might save. God’s judgment day nears bringing blessings and peace. He’s promised all this in his Word. For Christ and his bride shall then reign o’er the earth And his name evermore be adored.
And so let us pray from the depths of our hearts "May thy Kingdom come"—haste the day. For the judgments of God will bring blessings for all, With all of earth’s tears wiped away.
Poems of the Way