In a flock with a good shepherd it is a strange fact that every sheep seems to feel the need every day of a few minutes’ contact and fellowship with the shepherd. First one and then another will come out from the flock and stand beside the shepherd, sometimes rubbing its head against his knee while the shepherd fondles him, and this is repeated by every sheep in the flock. If sheep feel this need of fellowship with their master, how much more should we feel the need of daily contact with our Good Shepherd, who longs to pour out His love to us and to give us all the riches of His abundant grace.
Customs and Costumes in Bible Days I E D Gollmick
If a sheep should stray and be found by another shepherd, the owner has to redeem it within three days and pay for its full value, otherwise it becomes the property of the other shepherd. "He restoreth (or redeemeth) my soul."
Customs and Costumes in Bible Days I E D Gollmick
When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my Sacrifice, I must remember Thee.
J. Montgomery
JESUS is the LAMB of GOD. He, the only perfect innocent One, allowed Himself to be helpless, to be taken…and cruelly killed so that through receiving the sacrifice of His life’s blood we could be cleansed before God. JESUS says…
Freely My blood poured out for you. Cover yourself with it so that the trusting, innocent nature of the Lamb of God will replace your old, rotten nature. As you stand in the stream of forgiveness, you will find it a joy to forgive others…
"...conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth knowing that you were…redeemed…with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished…the blood of Christ."
(1 Peter 1:17‑19 NASB) At the Name of Jesus Sarah Hornsby