Thoughts on Rocks 1 Peter 2:4‑5 (MKJV) tells us that; "Having been drawn to Him, a living Stone, indeed rejected by men, but elect, precious with God; you also as living stones are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." Peter calls Christ a living Stone, a title that teaches His followers that He is their protection and security. Whilst Paul, at the end of the second chapter of his letter to the Ephesians says that Jesus is the foundation on which they are built. He is the chief Corner stone, which unites the whole number of believers into one perpetual temple, and bears the weight of the whole fabric, a foundation that is everlasting and precious beyond comparison. And to be built on Jesus, means to believe in him completely and to commit our life to Him (May June '15)
At the Names of Jesus
Charles Wesley |