
"The saints possessed the kingdom". Dan.7:22.

And they followed him. Today there are men and women of noble aspirations, who, not knowing the Divine Plan, will do their utmost to better earthly conditions. Whatever their progress along this line, they will have to come to the realisation that they are but straws floating upon the raging sea of conflicting ambitions, discontent and the unbridled passions of fallen humanity. Only the Most High is able to assume effective control. He will use as his instruments, his saints. The Bible furnishes us with many an advanced picture of this glorified spiritual company ruling the earth.

Who are the saints? I answer that they are known only to God and his dear Son. They have however been following in the footsteps of Jesus from Pentecost till now. Externally they were just ordinary human beings: even so, within their bosoms were such fires of faith and love, that through the Power of the Holy Spirit, self was eliminated. They thus became lovely and strong in character; and so sincere as to be likened unto rare and precious jewels. Destined to reign with Jesus, they will, during that period, remove iniquity from the earth, overcome all enemies and wipe away all tears… (Rev.20‑21.)