The Virtuous Woman A devotional commentary on
Epitome of Edification: Enriched with jewels of silver and of gold bequeather by
Eliezer, the betrothed goes forth. She emulates all that is edifying. She is
like the merchant ships laden with good things. She is an exhibition of
blessing‑laden grace. The windows of heaven have been opened unto her, and from
that vast and wondrous store she draws forth supplies abundant as she has space
to receive. Her sight is for her treasure. She shares a view of higher things of
a different realm, and the glory of them shows in her eyes. Beyond the world of
the momentary she sees the realm of the eternal. The abundances of divine
goodness bring forth an abundant living that is shared with all she may meet. Food from Afar From this body of humiliating contradictions she looks away
unto Jesus. She sees Him waiting there for her, Himself a Victor at His Father's
right hand. He stands ready to intercede on her behalf, and to her prayers He
adds the sweet incense of His love, confessing her before Her Father and His.
Only by that preceding incense can any pass into that holy place. Thus does she
find the boldness to enter and explore the courts of heaven, the land of far
distances and immeasurable. She dwells on earth, yet in her heart sojourns in a
land of promise. She spies out its resources, and tastes its luscious fruits.
Yet not for herself alone. Beyond her needs, by nature of this atmosphere of
heaven itself in which she walks, she now the more perceives another's lack, the
parched ground thirsting for the rain. And it is hers to give, and blessings
shared increase. So ready to dispense, to be out‑poured, and none who meet her
leave with empty heart. Into their lives she enters but to bless, to edify, and
leave behind her peace. Her very breath brings hope, her presence joy. She has
wherewith to comfort from her God. No shallow platitude of words, but truth that
stems from treasure in her heart. Enriched of Him, her Lord, she has within
abundant life that yet through her is destined to make glad and satisfy the
present groaning race. Out of the Abundance of the Heart She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to
her household, and a portion to her maidens. Proverbs 31:15
Vitality of Faith The English alphabet would bring us to the corresponding "F" for faithfulness. The Hebrew roots deeper by suggesting in the very sound of "vav" that vital union with Christ on which that faithfulness depends. Herein lies the vivacity of that compelling vital force of the Spirit of God which habitually rises early. In Scripture this is the language of great earnestness. Thus in Psalm 63: 1."O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul
thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where
no water is;
The daily attitude of each devoted soul may be voiced in the
determination of David. Psalm 132:3‑5 "Surely I will not come into the
tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to mine
eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids, until I find out a place for the LORD, an
habitation (worthy) for the mighty God of Jacob. " To this end each day he stored the most durable and precious
materials, all that, when his course was done, would complete the Sanctuary of
God. (1 Chronicles 29:2) "Now I have prepared with all my might for the house
of my God". The fullness of God is for those that thirst for Him, and is
exhibited in the spiritual food and blessedness with which they each are filled
to the building up of the household of God. Faithfulness of the Life Who are these maids to whom she assigns her tasks? These are
all the powers she owns, now dedicated to the business of her Lord—Her lips, her
hands, her feet, her heart, mind and strength, all that she is in joyful service
for the glory of her King. Such sentiments and blessedness, the spirit of a
living faith, like coals of fire, enkindle others with their warmth, enthuse
with their diligence in service, and leave a glow in the heart of that love
shared between the Lamb and those who seek to follow closer every day. Thus does
He betroth them to Himself in faithfulness forever. They are His jewels, His
today, tomorrow, and forever. Leaning on the arm of her beloved... She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her
hands she planteth a vineyard. Proverbs 31:16
Zeal for Knowledge The zeal that uses every opportunity as a tool, instrument,
weapon in the Lord's work in order that she might grow in the acquisition both
of knowledge and of grace. "Hearken O daughter, and consider." It was to her an
invitation to begin to try to evaluate, weigh, and measure the immeasurable.
Since that first wonderful day of receiving that proposal of love new fields of
knowledge and understanding have opened up for her to zealously explore, for her
to seek to comprehend and to make her own. The land is good land indeed, richly
flowing with honey‑sweet words of grace, with nurturing milk, and with the fruit
of the great vine. Zeal for Fruitage Not for long does she clasp in her palms the earnings from
all their efforts of meticulous endeavour. The profit ensuing from such hours of
sweet research are turned to the planting of more vines, to produce that more
abundant harvest of the fruitage that brings glory to Him, fruit of heavenly
wisdom and love overflowing the heart., fruit that remains. Might not such
growth in knowledge puff her up? The invitation was to weigh, and to expand the
mind to consider a proposal of great love. Her thirst is to know that One from
Whom it came.. KNOW HIM, more intimately know that wise and mighty skill
revealed in His wondrous works, more closely feel the things that fill His
mind., that grieve His Spirit.. that bring Him joy. She has the zest of love to
share the whole realm of His being. the abundances of His living. Without that
love the understanding of all heaven's secrets would be academic and empty. He
is her Light, and Light is sown for the righteous to harvest, and all the
gladness of exploring that eternal Light...for the upright in heart. I am my Beloved's and Beloved is Mine... She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her
arms. Prov.31:17
The Claim of Faith The character of her strength lies not in her own powers but
rather on that confessed weakness which leans hard upon the Lord and the power
of His might. His care for her, assured by many infallible proofs, is the joy of
her heart. She knows that she is precious in His sight, that He loves and
cherishes, comforts and consoles, circles her about, centre of His desire. Thus
corsetted with love, she clasps to her heart His promises, knowing He will never
leave her nor forsake. This is the ground of her strength. It is in this blessed
state of faith she dares to lay her claim on what else she never could conceive.
The land of promise she considers well, and finds therein the goal of her
desires. How might she gain this promised place of "rest"? What currency will
purchase such a field? Her claim is one of faith, and with her feet she thus
marks out the promised land as hers, and lays her hold upon eternal life. That
field, that holy heavenly prize, would never be possessed save by such trust
that stakes it's all upon its gain. Counting all else but loss, accepting any
cost that proves that faith is real, she manifests a zeal consuming as her
Lord's, an inner holy fire. To Bear Much Fruit Her place of rest is lying at His feet, and there she finds
the sense of inward calm. She trusts Him come what may. But well she knows her
faith must now bear fruit, to yet complete its growth and victory. The Vine, its
fruitfulness reflects the care of the Husbandman, yet hers a precious part, to
swiftly respond to His attentive care. To share that same design as His that she
might grow to yet more fully glorify His Father's Name. Into her hands He puts
the task of planting and of watering that peace, and honours honest toil by His
increase. So tirelessly she works the work of trust, from morn through noon‑day
heat until the dusk, and then, at last, all labour done, the fruit of her works
will follow on. "Let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it." Psa.90:17 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth
not out by night. Proverbs 31:18
Tasting and Testing As in the kitchen the woman tastes what she prepares, such
is the sense here. This woman tests and tries her work against the Lord's
standards of what is true and right. She tests her understanding alongside His
understanding revealed in the Word of Truth. There will be one ultimate moment
of truth at the hour of her appearing before Him. Then will she stand without
shame for her endeavour in the blessedness of His approving smile. And it will
be of her He speaks, when, from those gracious lips she hears the words, "Well
done!" The value of the finished work lies in the loving zeal that prompted
toil, the hours of diligent care, the testing of each stage, all which that
final state reflects. The pattern was not of her own devising, but hers the
labour and the love that prompted such devotion to her task. His instruction,
closely sought, though sometimes costing concepts of her own device. So to her
hands entrusted was the work, the careful application of pattern to cloth, the
right dividing, piece by piece, the making up and matching of each part.
Spiritual was to spiritual neatly laid, the needlework of grace so deftly sown
that only He could see each tiny stitch. Each stitch endeavour showed, and one
design that unobtrusively she might complete a work that brings all glory to her
Head. Together did that daily task involve them both, He working in, she
working out. Like growth rings in the tree each stitch betrayed the many varied
seasons of each day, life's ins and outs, and ups and downs, contrived, by His
direction all along the way. Trimming and Tending Within the Word of Truth lie messages designed and coded for
the hungry mind, and only such, to find. The students of the Light knows how
impeded sight so easily distorts. His way of searching hearts is what that Light
imparts whose eyes are single and whose vision one. Whose minds are full of
light His lights become. His Word of truth her light, and precious is the sight
to Our Dear Lord, her candle through the night. With well‑trimmed lamp and
vessel full of oil, she bends intent upon her task to seek, the silver piece
that waits in some corner of the house with joy she finds, and crumb of leaven
lurking in the dark she sweeps away. Her lamp is not allowed to dim ..So tireless does she feed
and trim. The tale once was told (in sacred song) of fisherman returning in his boat from days of toil, who as he neared the shore looked up to see the lamp that shone so brightly through the dark. ‑ Love's welcome at the window of his home. And as he rowed for shore the sight did cheer his heart. She lights her lamp for Him, and in the night its light expresses love's desire, a holy warming fire. And does the woman see that love returned? In Psalm 43 the psalmist speaks for me, when to the Lord He cries 'Thy Light and Truth....send out! Let them my leaders be to bring me safe to Thee, upon The holy Mount.' Thus two‑ways is this message sent of light, of those who in the light rejoice, and shall yet know inheritance of saints in light of perfect day. That I may shew forth all Thy praise in the gates of...Zion. Psa.9:14. DH |