Thought for the Month "Man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD". These are the words from Deuteronomy 8:3 (NKJV) that Jesus quotes in answer to Satan, when Satan was trying to tempt him in the period after his baptism. Food is one of the basics of life with water and shelter.100 years ago in the U.K. there was bread rationing during World War 1 from 2 February 1917. It is a reminder of the times during two world wars when food was rationed, in order to feed the populace over an extended period of conflict. In the Old Testament the account in Genesis records the place Joseph had in storing food during the seven years of plenty, to survive the seven years of famine that were to follow. In so doing he saved Egypt, his family and presumably other families outside of Egypt. Following their disobedience the Hebrews wandered the wilderness between Egypt and the 'promised land'. During this time God provided manna so that they did not starve in those forty years. This manna was miraculous even though it is suggested that this was a natural phenomenon in that ecosystem. It definitely was a miracle that sufficient was produced for such a large body of men, women and children. But miracle it was. In the New Testament the Lord's prayer says 'Give us this day our daily bread'. Thankfulness for that which we eat is still part of the daily routine for people all around the world, but one appreciates this all the more if we have known a lack of food. But what the Christian also requires is spiritual food and nourishment, and that is also an essential of life for the Christian every day. Therefore we search the scriptures. Our Lord did many miracles during his first advent. Two of the most well‑known, are the feeding of the five thousand and the feeding of the four thousand. These miracles and other miracles of Jesus showed us plainly that Jesus was sent from God and that he was the Messiah, the Son of God to whom we should listen and believe in and have life through his name. After this miracle in John 6:35 Jesus said 'I am the bread of life' and describes himself as the living bread from heaven that anyone can eat and live forever while reminding them that their forefathers were given manna in the desert as a picture of what would happen to the world.
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, |