Sparkle and Shine
Not all can be of the Kingdom,
Not all can be the bride,
Not all can be of the jewels;
Who sparkle and shine by his side.
Only a little flock can be,
All chosen, all faithful, all true,
Only a few are invited;
Those who are creatures so new.
Every one is consecrated,
Every one does give their all;
Their sacrifice it must be wholehearted,
When the Lord God, he does call….
To be a joint heir with the Master,
To be a joint heir with the Lord;
One must be brimful of the spirit,
The sign must be there, of it poured.
So if you would be of the Kingdom,
If you would be of the bride;
If you would be of the jewels,
You must sparkle and shine by his side.
Where Eagles Gather
Rosemary Page