Divine Secrets—More Written in the last issue the article, entitled 'Divine Secrets' the Greek word used for 'secret' is 'musterion' (Strong's Greek word 3466) which is familiar to many as the word translated 'mystery'. It occurs 26 times in the A.V. of the N.T. What a shame it is that this word was so translated for the very word 'mystery' seems to keep a door shut instead of opening it wide for investigation. The sound of 'musterion' does imply something mysterious yet it is a 'secret' which can be understood by those given the key to unlock the door. It is in this sense that the Greeks used the word and that Christians today can use it too. This article will continue to look at some of the other scripture references to mysteries 23 or more. The other article considered the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven or God mentioned by our Lord Jesus who first used the word mystery when speaking about the parable of the sower in Matt.13 as well as in Luke 8 and Mark 4. Therefore no more mention of those is made here. The Mystery of Christ and the Church Paul describes it as a 'great mystery' that is Christ and the Church (Eph.5:32). Paul likens it to a husband and wife becoming one body or one flesh (Eph.5:31) and also to a body having many members with one head, our Lord Jesus and one body, the church. Previous to that there was no plainly stated reference to the Messiah needing a special group who would also come by a covenant of sacrifice to assist like any queen consort would in the role of her husband The King. But that which was hidden was now clearly written down. It was to the brethren living in Colosse, now modern day Turkey, that Paul wrote of "the mystery which hath been hid…, but now is manifest to his saints: to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery…which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory". Col.1.26‑27. This would be an honourable group. It opened the door to go up higher, much like the parable of the wedding feast in Luke 14:7‑11. Previously it had not been known for someone to be elevated to a higher plane. Till our Lord Jesus came and gave up his spirit nature and came down a plane to be a human being, albeit perfect, before dying and being resurrected with a new type of body without the need for blood to be pumping round it. More than that he was exalted to the right hand of God (Acts 2:33) and Paul says as much to the brethren in Philippi, that he (Jesus) was supremely exalted and given a name above every name. (Phil.2:9) During this Gospel age or Christian era the preparation and selection of the body of Christ, who have a heavenly hope, has been going on. But this may not necessarily be the mystery of the 'hope of glory'. Could it be that the 'hope of glory' is simply the glorious work of the millennial reign helping the world of mankind up the highway of holiness? The mystery of Jew and Gentile making one man in Christ For hundreds of years God only dealt with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Any others were foreigners and strangers from the commonwealth of God. Jacob especially as he had his name changed to 'Israel' so sometimes he is referred to in Genesis as Jacob and sometimes Israel. The Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah, from the house of David. Jesus the Messiah when he did come came only to the lost house of Israel. (Matt.15:24) Nevertheless even he had special time with the Samaritan woman at the well and the Roman centurion whose servant he healed. But then after Pentecost a certain Jew by the name of Saul hears a voice and sees a blinding light on the road to Damascus. In Damascus itself there was a disciple named Ananias and he is told that "he (Saul) was to carry the name of Jesus to the Gentiles". Another day the apostle Peter fell into a trance and saw a vessel full of unclean animals that it was forbidden to eat under the Mosaic Law but was now instructed to eat. Change was the word of the day! God had moved to the next phase of His plan. Also in Acts 10 Cornelius a Roman Centurion had had a vision to send for a man called Simon Peter residing in Joppa. After Peter's trance Cornelius' men came to call for Peter. So Peter knew to go with them and it seems Cornelius' household were baptized having the Holy Spirit come upon them even though they were Gentiles. So it comes now as no surprise that Paul said in the mystery of Christ that the Gentiles, should be fellow‑heirs and be part of the body of Christ. (Eph.3:6) Paul once again told this to the brethren at Colosse that "God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles" Col.1:27. The Mystery of Opposition There are three in this category: 2 Thess.2:7, Rev.17:5 and Rev.17:7. This appears to be the work of Satan, the self‑appointed leader of the opposition, in opposition to God and now still in opposition to God's Plan. The first scripture says "the mystery of iniquity doth already work..." after saying that there would be a falling away and the 'man of sin' would be revealed. This one would exalt himself above all that is called God as he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself as God. H. Grattan Guinness in his book 'Romanism and the Reformation' states one of the 12 new articles added to the Nicene creed that the Head of the Roman Church was "to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures". Article 10 says "Images of Christ and of the mother of God ever virgin, and also of the other saints, are to be retained, and that due honour and veneration are to be given them". These two articles amongst others not mentioned show at that time that man put himself in place of God and His Son. This was to be expected if 1 Tim.4:1 is applied to this as a departure from the faith. Furthermore it contradicts the scripture that Christ is the head of the Church (1 Cor.11:3). Revelation 17 writes of the "Mystery, Babylon the Great" and "the mystery of the woman". By the time John was writing Babylon had long ceased to be a great nation. Verse 6 of this chapter draws attention that this threat would have "the blood of the saints" on their hands. The Roman empire of the First Century certainly persecuted the early church and several notable Christians were executed. During the period of the reformation the Roman church killed many Christians that taught in opposition to that church and its doctrines and traditions. The mystery of the 7 Stars and the 7 Golden Candlesticks This comes from Rev.1.19‑20 where there are the messages to the 7 churches beginning with Ephesus and ending in the 7th Laodicea. What those verses say is that the 7 stars are the angels or messengers of the 7 churches and the 7 candlesticks are the 7 churches. Looking at a map shows that the 7 churches were actual churches in a small geographical area where Paul served but also not far from where John wrote Revelation, on a small island overlooking the south‑eastern part of what is now modern day Turkey formerly people would have called it Asia Minor. There seems no literal mention of seven different messengers, such as Paul or John, whether human or angelic in form. This creates some uncertainty and opens the door to examine what it can be interpreted to mean. Could the mystery be the challenges that would come upon the Gospel Age Christians? Or that even individual Christians would have from the time of giving their lives to the Lord? Those in the early days of the church endured the persecution of the Roman Caesars like Nero till the days of Constantine, when Arius stood up against the trinity. Then during the Dark ages when the Roman Church was at its most severe early reformers like Wycliffe and later ones like Luther, Tyndale and Knox stood up against that tyrannical body of men. Since then there have been other messengers. Therefore a good explanation could be that the seven churches represent seven periods of time during the Christian era and the seven messengers are seven individual men or groups of men who have served in those time periods. The likes of John Wycliffe, Martin Luther and Charles Russell must be of the most likely candidates at different times to be such messengers. It would then follow that the seventh church of Laodicea relates to the end of this Christian era. Accordingly the warning to that seventh church, of being lukewarm would apply now. So the message is now to be hot or cold. The mystery of godliness (1 Tim.3:9,16) The context of this chapter is overseers or elders (episkopon), deacons, women (in the church) their qualifications and conduct. How they ought to behave in a serious, sober manner and to be hospitable and trust‑worthy at home and in the church avoiding the vices of this world. Or could it be that Jesus came to earth from God, was seen and believed in by many and was taken to glory, to wit heaven? The second half of 1 Tim.3:16 (Diaglott) says "He who was manifested in Flesh, was justified in Spirit, was seen by Messengers, was proclaimed among Nations, was believed on in the World, was taken up in Glory". But the answer may lie in the words of Jesus in John 14 when he said 'if you have seen me you have seen the Father', Jesus being godlike. All these could be covered by belief in the existence of God, that salvation comes by Christ Jesus who was sent by God, that Christ has body members by the preaching of the good news to all nations, that same Jesus returned to his father and to heaven 'in glory' as an immortal being. The Mystery 'we shall be changed' It is called a mystery. How much of a mystery is it? The scriptures record that Jesus died on the cross, then on the third day after his death rose from the dead as a spirit being. This had not happened before. This has been the hope for the individual Christians ever since. How the resurrection of the last members of the Church happens is a secret and what procedure is used to produce a spirit being with the same memories that the person had stored while in this mortal body is also a secret. But they "shall all be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye…and the dead shall be raised incorruptible…and this mortal must put on immortality".1 Cor.15:51‑53 Israel Back on the subject of Israel there is another mystery that "blindness...has come over Israel until the full number of the Gentiles come in" as was stated in last issue's article. That day seems close at hand with Israel being back as a nation since Britain found it (Palestine) too difficult to govern and gave up.1948 saw the nation established and then in 1967 Jerusalem was captured in a war it appeared they had little chance of winning. Luke supplies a similar prophecy that 'Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled'. (Luke 21.24) Therefore blindness for Israel will come to an end. Stewards of the mysteries of God Such as the mysteries are.1 Cor.4:1‑2 tells "of us , as...stewards of the mysteries of God". The word steward comes from the Greek word 3623 in Strong's concordance 'oikonmous' giving the idea of a manager, overseer in a capacity extending to a fiscal agent, chamberlain, governor, relating to the gospel a preacher. This comes following the chapter where people were talking of being of Paul or of Apollos. Individual Christians in this era are responsible to be faithful, to keep the faith and show it out by faithfully doing those small things the Father has given them to do. Love The word 'mysteries' is in the 13th Chapter of 1 Corinthians. It gives good advice to those who have had all mysteries made manifest to them. It is that without love such knowledge is as nothing. What a good reminder this is that with all this technical understanding without love it is wasted. Conclusion All in all it can be said that there are a number of related mysteries or secrets in the New Testament of things which were unknown or unclear in the Old Testament that Jesus began to reveal, telling us that at this time they would not be revealed to all, that Jesus would require a bride and that this group would be made up of Jews and Gentiles. Then at last this bride she will be upgraded from having merely fleshly body to spiritual one as long as she is a good steward and loves God and her neighbours. After that time all mysteries and secrets will have been fully revealed to all from the least to the greatest. |