Free! At Last

John 8.32

I shall have to say, if she wants to know,
But not if she comes to force me to go;
To go to the place that makes me sad,
I want to remain in the place I am glad.

For now I come under my Father's wings,
Yes, he has revealed many wondrous new things;
Such beautiful gems—such spiritual treasure,
Bounteous, glorious, I am filled beyond measure.

From the bondage of sect, I have become free,
My once blinded eyes, now so clearly do see;
And the spiritual flow, has returned to my heart,
And no more, dear Father, from you will I part.

So even if Bab'lon does beckon to me,
I shall never return—I must remain free;
To serve with all, my Redeemer and King,
All day—my heart—with his praises does ring.

And now in the light, I can say how I feel,
So happy before that great throne I kneel;
Such gladness and joy since he tapped on the door,
More happy than ever I have been before.

So, if you should ask for my reason to hope—
No longer in darkness with others I grope;
Only then, must I witness to my mighty God
And follow the way the good shepherd has trod.

Where Eagles Gather

Rosemary Page