The Creator and
His Work

The works of creation speak of a Creator. Great as is Creation, the Creator must be far greater. Look at the flowers in the garden or meadows. Notice their variety and different colours. They all spring out of the same soil, each according to its own kind. Out of the soil grow the many kinds of trees, each having its own distinctive form or shape, bringing forth leaves, flowers, or fruit according to its own kind, and according to the season of the year. Think of the many birds, all beautiful, some beautiful to look upon, some beautiful in song. Look up into the heavens on a clear night and behold the countless millions of stars, far greater than our earth. Each is in its place and moves in an orderly fashion and noiselessly in its own orbit. These things, all the works of creation, have not come by chance, but are the handiwork of the great Creator, whose power and wisdom is far superior to that of man. He is the great First-Cause, who made and put into action all things in the universe.

"Author of Nature's wondrous laws,
Preserver of its glorious grace,
We own thee as the great First Cause,
And here delight Thy ways to trace

Who is this great First Cause - The Creator? The prophet answers: "The everlasting God, the LORD (Isa.40.28). His " JEHOVAH" (Psalm 83.18).

It is reasonable to expect that Almighty God would give to man something that would reveal His eternal purpose in respect to those things created. He has given a revelation of His plans and purposes in the Bible. It is believed that all Christians will, in accord with Christ's own words, believe all that the prophets have spoken. (Luke 24.25). The prophets spake as they were moved by God's Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1.21). Hence all Scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Tim.3.16‑17). The writers of both the Old and the New Testaments wrote under Divine inspiration. The Bible is the only basis for true Christian faith; therefore we will note certain passages of Scripture in proof of that which will be set forth in the following short statements. We will seek to make them truly Bible talks, putting on one side the creeds and doctrines of men, which are often confusing and misleading.


The Bible was given for man's benefit; therefore the Bible account of creation has to do with man and the place of man's habitation, the earth. The first words of the Bible (RSV) tell us that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". The "heavens" here mentioned is that great expanse in which God placed the sun, moon and stars. The earth is the place of man's habitation. Before creating man, God created the birds, fish, cattle and beasts of the field. Then He created man in His own image. He created them male and female and gave them power to bring forth children.

He also gave man dominion over the works of His hands. This is set forth in the first chapter of Genesis.

The account of how man was created is given in the second chapter of Genesis. There we read, "The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul". (Gen.2.7). Notice that God did not give man a soul. He made man's body out of the elements of the earth, and animated that body with the breath of life; in order that man might be a living being, to enjoy the blessings of life in that beautiful Eden home where God had placed him. Man was not given a soul, separate and distinct from himself, but when he was created he "became a living soul". In other words, no man has a soul, but every man is a soul. God designates the various animals as "souls". (See Gen.1.20 margin & Numbers 31.28). Every living creature is a "soul".

Man's original home was a very beautiful place. We read "The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it". (Gen.

God then gave man a law to govern his life. The keeping of God's law meant the continuance of life and the blessings of Eden. Disobedience meant death and the loss of all the blessings man enjoyed (Gen.2.16.17). God had previously created the angelic hosts. These are His heavenly sons, who shouted for joy when He began His work in connection with man by laying the foundations of the earth (Job 38.4.7). They would watch the work in progress and when the highest earthly creatures, perfect man and woman, were created in the image of God, there would be great joy in heaven. All God's creation being perfect (Deut.32.4), there would be nothing then to mar the happiness of every creature in heaven and earth.