O Lord and Maker of All Things, from whose creative power the first light came forth,
who didst look upon the world's first morning and see that it was good, I praise Thee for this light
that now streams through my windows to rouse me to the life of another day.
I praise Thee for the life that stirs within me:
I praise Thee for the bright and beautiful world into which I go:
I praise Thee for earth and sea and sky, for scudding cloud and singing bird:
I praise Thee for the work Thou hast given me to do:
I praise Thee for all that Thou hast given me to fill my leisure hours:
I praise Thee for my friends:
I praise Thee for music and books and good company and all pure pleasures.
O Thou who Thyself art everlasting Mercy, give me a tender
heart to-day towards all those to whom the morning light brings less joy than it
brings to me:
Those in whom the pulse of life grows weak:
Those who must lie abed through all the sunny hours:
The blind, who are shut off from the light of day:
The overworked, who have no joy of leisure:
The unemployed, who have no joy of labour:
The bereaved, whose hearts and homes are desolate:
And grant Thy mercy on them all.
A Diary of Private Prayer
John Baillie