Grape Vine
The vine is honoured before all other plants of the world. 'The fruitful vine' and 'the vine brought out of Egypt' symbolized the Jewish people and our Lord compared himself with the 'true vine'. The Flowers and Fruits of the Bible, Pruning. Select fruiting arms either from a shoot produced by the spur(s) left from the previous year, or from one of the lower shoots off the previous year's arm. In winter, tip the leader back by about one-third and shorten the other main shoots to two buds. Thin any crowded spurs back to one or two shoots. Plant care. Thin out individual dessert grapes on the bunches to allow the berries to ripen fully and to improve air circulation. Use scissors to remove berries when they are small, removing about one in three per bunch. Grow Your Own Fruit, |
"I Am the Vine, Ye Are the Branches" John 15: 5 It is the branch that bears the fruit, Poems of the Way Patience The purple grape must be crushed Poems of the Way |
At harvest time, the best way for an amateur to tell when wine grapes are ready is by tasting them—only when they're at their sweetest, containing maximum sugar, will they be ready. Grow Your Own Fruit, Encourage grapevines to send their roots downwards to seek
out their own nutrients, but do treat nutrient deficiencies individually
depending on the type of soil. Grapevines can be prone to magnesium deficiency Whoever has sipped this wine will thirst for more, for although Christ satisfies, the appetite is not cloyed, but whetted. If you know the love of Jesus—as the hart pants for the water brooks, so will you pant after deeper quantities of His love. Extract 'The Way to Peace' |