January & February

Vol.92, No.1

Thought for the month
On Earth Peace
Goodwill toward Men—Pt 2
Habakkuk-Prophet of Faith-Pt 5
The Greatest of These
Pt 1
Holding Fast & Pressing towards the Mark
Armageddon Mary Magdalene
From a Prison Cell
Pt. 1
On the mountain's top appearing
A Hymn
The Call & Destiny of Israel
A pamphlet
For Your New Year
A Poem
Little thoughts
and Poem

Booklet Reprint

God has a Plan!

God's Fulfilling Purpose

Reprinted in 2014 in
A5 magazine style with colour images
To obtain a copy,
Download PDF (to be released soon)
email - mailing@biblefellowshipunion.co.uk
or send to Bible Fellowship Union,
>12 Stanley Gardens, Tring, HP23 4BS, U.K.