
PURPLE is a sign of royalty. Monarchs have used it to this end throughout all ages. Even before Israel was instituted a kingdom, we read of "purple raiment," which belonged to the kings of Midian (Judges 8 :26). The world, however, has yet to realise the deep significance of this colour, for it reveals that the great Eternal has been pleased to use quite simple means to indicate a great truth.

It takes two primary colours to produce purple, namely blue and red. Thus true royalty is portrayed by this remarkable emblem, proclaiming silently yet effectively the merit of King-ship -faithfulness unto death.

The analogy is still more emphasised by the fact that the dye was extracted from a specie of mollusc, or small shell fish, found upon the shores of certain parts of the Mediterranean, especially that of ancient Tyre. Thus it required the death of multitudes of these tiny organisms to produce purple, the scarcity of the dye made precious in the sight of men (Luke 16 :19).

Coming to the Scriptural analogy, we are aware that practically all who have died have merited death. But we ask, has any sinless and loyal individual gone down into death ? In answer, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, comes to mind. "Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time" (1 Tim. 2:5-6). It was He who mingled, as it were, blue with red, thus meriting the wearing of purple. He alone rules by divine right, as indicated by the words. "Yet have I anointed my King upon my holy hill of Zion" (Psalm 2:6 Margin).

The value of this sacrifice cannot be measured. Suffice to know that over twenty billion human beings await His royal ministry, through which they all will be blessed in ways too wonderful for words.

The closing scenes of Our Lord's career whilst upon this earth, demonstrates that He had in mind the glorious results arising from his submission unto death. The time came when He steadfastly set His face toward Jerusalem. He well knew what it meant, but there must be no turning back. Then came the Passover supper, the lamb of which had been picturing His sacrifice for two thousand years. His arrest soon followed His agony in the garden of Gethsemane.

Eventually He came before Pilate, who asked him "Art thou a King?" To this Jesus replied, "Thou sayest, to this end I was born and for this cause came I into the world." Soon after this the Roman soldiers saw their opportunity to exemplify their brutality—"Here is a King!" they cried in mockery. Then they clothed Him in purple, and pressing upon His head a crown of terrible thorns, they bowed low, "Hail, King of the Jews!" These cruel men were unaware that they were beholding the only one worthy of that honoured title as befittingly tokened by the purple robe. The only charge and sentence that proved effective, was His claim to royalty. This was written upon the cross in three languages, "JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS" (John 19 :19). Thus died the greatest of all heroes. Thank God, He lives as a monarch, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government...there shall be no end" (Isa. 9 : 6, 7). Jesus will be the King of the Jews as well as of all mankind. "Life from the dead," is promised when Israel is favoured again (Rom.11:15).

Associated with Jesus are other members of the Royal family, who have been selected and trained since Pentecost. These, likewise, have entered into His sufferings, and have been faithful unto death, thereby symbolically mingling "blue with red."

Their triumphant faith was foreshadowed by Daniel, who always served God in the integrity of his heart. His temptations were severe because he was surrounded by religionists of every shade of thought, hence the term Babylon—babel, which means confusion. To him the true God was all-in-all, and the Adversary, in consequence, inspired his devotees to anger and malice. The great Creator continually demonstrated His powers of protection and loving-kindness, even though it meant special miracles being wrought on Daniel's behalf. Precious are the words, "O Daniel,…greatly beloved,…peace be unto thee" (Dan.10:11,19).

When very old he was found in the midst of the besieged city. Suddenly, he was in frantic demand. King Belshazzar, the dissolute monarch, was in abject fear, owing to some large and miraculous handwriting, which had appeared upon the wall within his palace. No heathenish priest could interpret, and Daniel was remembered. The King would give much to relieve the tension of his mind. He offered a great reward to whosoever would faithfully interpret the message. This was to take the form of purple clothing, a golden chain, and a rulership of the third degree. Daniel saw at a glance the meaning of the strange writing, and there and then pronounced the immediate doom of Babylon. In vain hope that their action may appease the angry Monarch of the Universe, they immediately thrust the rewards upon God's servant, but it was of no avail, that very night Babylon fell and Belshazzar was slain. It is interesting to note that Daniel maintained his honours in the new government under the Medes and Persians.

It will yet be revealed that somewhere upon this earth there is a similar class of individuals. They, like Daniel, place God at the pinnacle of all their affairs, and it is farthest from their thoughts to worship Him through any other channel or medium save that of Jesus Christ. To them the clashing and jarring creeds of Christendom have no attraction, it is babel—confusion. They see the handwriting of Jehovah God pronouncing the doom of mystic Babylon (Rev.18:1-5), and which will soon give place to the kingdom of Our Lord and Saviour. They who are brave and fearless will "dare to be a Daniel," and in due course become partakers of the royal priesthood, as signified by the wearing of purple (1 Peter 2:9). They will also have the chain of precious promises divinely linked up in glorious fulfilment (2 Peter 1:4), and they will be rulers in the third degree and reign over the whole earth to bless and give life to all mankind (Rev.20:1-6). In other words they will cause life, health and happiness to germinate to the world now dead in trespasses and sins. This reminds us of some interesting new facts, relative to those exceedingly small wave-lengths of aether which comprise the violet end of the spectrum. During the winter months vegetation is largely at a stand-still. Then comes the spring, a period when sunlight becomes rich in violet and ultra-violet actinic rays. These easily penetrate the seeds and the heart of vegetation, causing germination and re-awakening. This is indeed a wonderful natural phenomenon of divine ordering (Gen.8:22). We are reminded of God's royal family, whose office is firstly to raise and quicken the dead. Then comes the summer time, when sunlight becomes rich in the central yellow portion of the spectrum; this is required by the plants for growth and health of flower and fruit. Thus a further emblem is noted! The golden rays of blessing and encouragement proceeding from the Divine family will comfort and cheer every heart, causing them to develop the fruits of righteousness. In autumn time sunlight again undergoes a change, for the red end of the spectrum becomes dominant. These warm rays cause the harvest fruit to ripen into maturity. Thus at the close of Christ's reign the world of mankind will be ripened into glorious perfection. They will then thank God their Father in the fullest possible measure for His amazing grace, centred in the sacrifice of His dear Son.