
There are three primary colours which make up white light, namely blue, yellow (gold) and red. Red is the colour of blood. There is that about it which grips attention. Men use it with startling effect—the red flag, the red hand, the red cross, and the red light. Its bright warm colour includes scarlet, vermillion and crimson, and it forms that part of the spectrum farthest removed from the violet.

The Bible uses the colour very expressively. It relates to blood all the time. Thereby it depicts human history and truly that history is "written in blood." History most pathetic! instead of peace and harmony ruling in the hearts of men, there has been strife and discord. Men have resembled wolves and tigers; fear, suspicion and distrust, has over-ridded confidence and love.

The history of the human race began in Eden. God created Adam in his own sublime mental image, and Adam was perfect. There was nothing to mar his tranquillity and happiness, and this became very exquisite when Eve was added to him in fellowship. Then came the test of obedience. It is not for us to question God's wisdom in giving such a test. Nay, in spite of the tragedy which followed, we may see a depth of wisdom surpassing human intelligence. Was not Adam good because he was made so? Is it not far better to be good from voluntary choice ? In this way we are able to enter into the Divine aspect of matters.

The penalty for disobedience was death, "By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men" (Rom.5.12). All the human race have come under that penalty, and there is no escape except as God makes provision. We must, however, be wise and think of death as death, and not as life in some other realm, otherwise the Bible must go, and our viewpoints become entangled and confused. We are aware that many creeds are designed to teach the contrary; that "the dead are more alive than ever they were." This is entering into the Devil's lie, presented at the beginning, "ye shall not surely die" (Gen.3.4). "How about the soul ?" query some. Hear the Creator's own words relative to this matter, "the soul that sinneth, it shall die" (Ezekiel 18.4), "Thou turnest man to destruction...they are as a sleep" (Psalm 90.3,5).

God used quite simple means of enforcing the death penalty. He turned Adam and Eve out of their home-garden, wherein grew their natural food, which precisely met the needs of their physical organisms. After this they gradually lost tone and vigour until the penalty was fulfilled. Instead of forever, Adam lived 930 years (Gen.3.22-23, Gen.5.5). Men have been on the downhill ever since. Their likeness to their Creator has become increasingly blurred. "Man's inhumanity to man has indeed made countless thousands mourn," so that few are able to live out their allotted span. Jealousy and enmity showed itself quite early. Yea the very firstborn of Adam became infected by the awful virus of murderous hatred. Cain had become morose, taciturn and fretful. His brother on the other hand was turning his face more and more toward his Maker, in hope of His mercy. God's definite acceptance of Abel's offering and His rejection of Cain's, was too much for the latter. He was furious, "Who was Abel to come before me ?" Such meditations resulted in fratricide—the murder of a brother.

Since then there have been "Cains" without number, likewise those who have resembled Abel. Besides this, men have fought one another as though God did not exist. When they became aggrieved, instead of coming together, as human beings should, to talk over matters and thus demonstrate that they are neither jealous or avaricious, they have trained their kith and kin to use weapons of slaughter, and the resultant battles and victories have demonstrated who was "right in their own eyes". Human life has been the cheapest thing in the world, notwithstanding the fact that within the home circles, there have been desperate and aching hearts, souls full of anguish and tears.

Let us however be charitable to one and all! Are we not all victims of the fall in Adam ? We cannot, dare not—whatever our training—boast ourselves over others! Rather we should turn our hearts to our God, our Guide, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Let us remember that it is nothing to Him to shape human destinies and nations, His power is infinite. His love is boundless to those who trust Him. It is the lack of reverence, due to Him, that brings disaster upon disaster. Howbeit, humanity is helpless until the Almighty comes to their aid. This, He has promised so to do—He "shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more...for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken" (Micah 4.3-4).

There are two aspects relative to blood presented to us in the Scriptures. Firstly the blood of sinners and secondly the blood of the innocent.

Again let us picture Adam and Eve after their fall. They had suddenly become fearful and strangely self-conscious, and they began to clothe themselves with leaves, the product of nature's garden. They felt their need of a mantle, though they knew not what. The Lord knew also they now needed a covering in a deeper sense than our parents realized at the time, hence He provided an apparel which meant the slaughter of two innocent animals. Graphically we read that the Lord made "coats of skins and clothed them" (Gen.3.21). Thus at the very beginning the message comes ringing down through the age that "without the shedding of blood is no remission" of sins (Heb.9.22).

Relative to Cain and Abel, we remember that Abel offered the firstlings of his flock, and Cain, a product of the vegetable kingdom. How deeply significant the words "the LORD had respect unto Abel and his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect" (Gen.4.4-5).

After the flood Noah built an altar and offered thereon certain animal sacrifices and this was accepted by God as "a sweet savour." It was pleasant because the Lord knew of its hidden meaning (Gen.8.20-21).

In due course Abraham came on the scenes, to whom that marvellous promise was given "in thee and thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed."

Abraham fulfilled many types or pictures during his career, the most important of which was the offering of his son Isaac upon the altar of sacrifice. Isaac was his father's delightful companion. Here was a proof-test of the most searching order. The faith of Abraham triumphed, one moment more and Isaac would have died. Hitherto animal sacrifices were picturing some great event in the mind of God. Here was a human sacrifice, a son, whom his father dearly loved! God demonstrated his exultant pleasure in words that are wonderful to read, and which He confirmed with an oath. The Apostle writing over two thousand years afterwards, declared that those two immutable things—God's word and His oath—ensured to the Lord's faithful people a positiveness that can never be annulled (Gen.22; Heb.6.13-17).

We ask why are the chosen, so keenly interested in the promise made to Abraham ? The answer is because they long for, hope for and pray for, that time when every human being will be supremely happy. When disease and death will be rolled away like some big black cloud, revealing the "Sun of Righteousness" shining in its strength (Mal.4:2).

Why was God so intensely interested in Abraham's faith and willingness, and Isaac's submission and obedience? The answer reveals that within the heart of the Almighty is a deep sweet well of love and mercy. The picture foreshadowed His own stupendous sacrifice and His Son's willingness even unto death. Interesting to relate, even the resurrection was shadowed by Abraham receiving his son back again (Heb.11.17-19). In the light of this, how luminous becomes John 3.16-17. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3.16-17). Thus the great sin-bearer is brought to view. One who would die for His brother Adam and all in him so that Divine Justice may be fully satisfied. Thus the precious blood of Jesus Christ betokens salvation to all who believe.

During that last plague of Egypt, the destruction of the "firstborns", we read that the angel of death passed over each house whereon was sprinkled the blood of a lamb. Unlike the Hebrews, the Egyptians had no such faith, hence there was not a house belonging to them where there was not one dead. (Exo.12). This pictured the passing over of the "church of the firstborn," since the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Heb.12.22-23). They have been saved by His grace having been privileged to look unto "the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the whole world" (John 1.29).

We recall that Rahab demonstrated her faith in the God of the Hebrews, by fixing a scarlet cord in her window. Eventually she and all within her house were saved from the destruction of Jericho (Joshua 6.22-25). This likewise foreshadowed the saving virtue of the ransom sacrifice.

Over the Tabernacle, which was erected in the wilderness, was a covering of ram skins dyed red (Exo.25.5). This illustrated that the Christian is covered by the merit of the atoning sacrifice: shown not only in the sacrifice of rams, but also by the colour of the dye. To come from under the blood, and to count the precious sacrifice of Jesus of no value spells immediate disaster and destruction of any who have once been enlightened by the Holy Spirit (Heb.10.26-29).

God's chosen have been compared to a chaste virgin, sincere and pure in heart, loving, merciful and tender; at the same time valiant for truth and righteousness. The office of Jesus Christ is to perfect his Bride. O miracles of miracles! From the dust-heap of humanity they are eventually made meet for the palatial dwelling of the majestic King of the universe— "The King's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought into the King in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee" (Psalm 45.13-14).

Contrast this sublime picture with that mentioned in Revelation 17. There is depicted another woman in scarlet apparel. She is the Devil's handiwork, not God's, a veritable mother of harlots. Her apparel is red, not by reason of the covering merit of the blood of Christ, but by the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Think of it millions done to death in the name of Christ. Undoubtedly false doctrines have been largely responsible. Satan turns himself, at will, into an angel of light and thus he works upon his ministers. (2 Cor.11.13-15). What devilish ingenuity to interweave around the precious doctrine of the atonement, the teaching of eternal torture for those who are unable to fulfil God's requirements during an age when the very atmosphere surrounding everything is evil and treacherous! Erroneous doctrines commenced with the early church. The apostle Paul observed the sectarian spirit as indicated by the words "I am of Paul! I am of Apollos!" (1 Cor.1.10-13). He was however destined to see worse things—"The mystery of iniquity doth already work" he wrote on one occasion. (2 Thes.2.7). This worked until the counterfeit kingdom of Christ arose before the eyes of men. Woe unto those who would thwart her schemes for temporal honour, power and glory! What a travesty? What a departure from the sublime original purity and simplicity as founded by our Lord and His apostles (2 Cor.11.1-3). We are thankful that God knew all things from the beginning. Every testing, proving and chastening of the Sons of Light have been supervised and overruled for the highest good of each member of the Body of Christ. Praise Ye the Lord!