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Gordon Chilvers

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of one of our editors - Gordon Chilvers.

Below are memories about a gentle teacher and inspiration, who has guided many people to follow Christ.


We first met Gordon Chilvers at a young people's meeting at Coventry in John Hough's Mission in 1946. A few years later at a Midland Convention at Leicester he gave a short talk - it was about lemonade bottles the labels of which had been changed. It was a parable, of course and we came to enjoy Gordon's illustrations which always drove home a valuable lesson.

He developed into a first rate preacher and could always be relied upon to give a good sermon. After their marriage Gordon and Ruth established their home in the orchard of 'The Haven'. As their lovely family grew so did the fellowship at Bethany and it became a centre of meetings of all kinds. Best remembered are the 'Bible Weeks', when what appeared to be dozens of children assembled, sometimes with parents, to learn in a variety of ways about The Word of God. Gordon was involved in much of the work of the Midland Group of Free Bible Students including developing the Midland Newsletter and printing it, and many programmes. In his last years he took over the editing role of Bible Study Monthly . He had a singularly forceful way of writing and teaching, both with the spoken word and in writing.


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