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Moving On

When it is necessary to leave one's church

It sometimes becomes necessary for the Christian to sever his connection with some particular organisation, fellowship group or church, which for a term, maybe of years, has nurtured his spiritual growth. The causes of the severance may be various, disagreement with doctrine or with conduct, or a realisation that the particular organisation can no longer afford that which alone can satisfy. The voice of the bridegroom is heard no more; the light of the candle is not seen. The parting causes pain, and mayhap not a little perplexity. It is sometimes accompanied with hard words from those who have been one's companions in the faith; or there may be much misunderstanding which cannot easily be put right.

None of these things should be taken as though some strange thing happened unto us. This is but another stage in that spiritual development which demands continuous progress until "that which is perfect is come." It may be that the Good Shepherd has called his child out of one environment because there is nothing more there for that child to learn; fresh experiences and surroundings are necessary to the onward progress of the soul which is seeking oneness with Christ. Like Abraham, let us go out, not knowing whither we go.

But guard against one thing ‑ that unhealthy watching of the former communion with the object of disparaging whatever it is doing. You have left it ‑ then leave it alone. To their own Master let them stand or fall. Their beliefs, their activities, their declarations, are of moment to you no longer. Your future is bound up with other interests ‑ then go forward, seeing only the guiding cloud which is to lead you onward to the Promised Land, and let your references to your former fellowship be characterised by that courtesy and charity which is the hall-mark of the sincere Christian.

In proportion as we become imbued with the sympathetic, compassionate spirit of Jesus, to that same extent are we impelled to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with the sad-hearted.

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