A Few Thoughts
We are by nature and
environment of the earth, earthy, and therefore unavoidably susceptible to the
beguiling influence of the things of earth. Our human instincts prompt us to
be continually reaching out for these things, and we need to be constantly on
the alert to set and keep resetting our affections upon the things above
(Col. 3.2.). Some of us may have had the experience of trying to train some
creeping plant such as the morning glory, to climb up some upright structure
in order to form a floral archway. If so, we can hardly have failed to notice
how persistently the plant by means of its shoots or tendrils, strives to
entwine itself around every garden flower or object within its reach. It has
to be constantly disentangled from these things and to be reset around the
upright we wish it to cling to. Thus it is with our affections and
inclinations. If left to follow their own devices they will persist in
becoming entangled with earthly things before we realise the dangerous trend
our thoughts are taking.
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Is it not true that
many times in the individual Christian life we find ourselves thanking God
that we are not as other men? Does it not often happen that this wonderful
separateness to God which we call consecration degenerates into a mere smug
and self-satisfied separateness from the world. And should we not be very
circumspect therefore and walk very humbly before our God, realising that by
nature we are "children of wrath" even as others?
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**** **** **** **** ** The Apostle Peter urges us to "Seek peace and ensue it", or, as Moffat puts it: "Let us make peace our aim." Why need to seek it, if it is a gift? Because it is not a natural element of this passing evil world, neither is it for the indolent and lazy. |