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One with Christ
and Each Other

"I ask not only on behalf of these but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word that they may all one. As you Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you sent me" (Jn.17.20,21 NRSV)

This is a remarkable prayer that makes quite astonishing statements. That the children of Adam, 'born in sin and shaped in iniquity", can become 'one' with the mighty Creator of the Universe is astounding. There is a sense in which all God's creation must become one with Him. But what Jesus is requesting is much more, for Jesus is praying for those who are specially united to Him ‑ His close followers ‑ who have shared His life and experiences in the world. There lies the key to the unity with the Father ‑ the sharing of the experiences which God has designed to teach His only Son, Jesus, obedience by what He suffered. This unique experience for men and women of the human race is part of God's great design for all mankind and forms the first stage in His reconciliation of all creation to Himself through Christ (Col.1.19,20). The final phase of this reconciliation is technically 'sanctification' which is the process in which sinful children of men are made holy and this takes place during the rest of their lives here on Earth.

Holiness is not just an absence of sin as the Pharisees seemed to think. Holiness is a positive quality ‑ it is doing the right thing ‑ doing what our Father would do in our position, and in fact we are His representatives ‑ His 'ambassadors', representing Him to the world. We are His ministers, appealing to those around us 'to be reconciled to God' (2 Cor.5.20). So, eventually we shall be so like Him that we shall be ready to become like Him in every respect.

As the 'children of God' move in the world, the oneness with Christ, as branches in the vine, makes a difference to the way they live. They are now motivated by Christ's love. It is much more than knowing the ethics of the Gospel. God's Holy Spirit provides the spiritual energy to enables His people to do what they know to be right but oft time they find they fail. This was Israel's problem ‑ they knew God's Law but they had not the motivation to accomplish it. They allowed their knowledge of what God wanted of them to stand still. They never really progressed further than the Sinai Desert. God was present with them ‑ He literally made His presence known in the cloud and the fire and later by wonders on Sinai and the provision of food and footwear. But when they began to mix with the adjacent tribes and nations, Israel was unable to resist the influence of the Devil and his people. So they worshipped and lived like 'Canaanites'. We face the same problem. We live in the world and in every sphere of life the union with Christ must make a difference. It is a life of separation ‑ yet it is a life that is totally involved in what people are doing, but they must not do them in the same way that world does them. In earning one's living and in domestic, social, civil activities, being in Christ must make a difference. Everything is done in a way that represents Him and therefore will be done superlatively. A Christian husband is one that is the best possible husband who does far more for his wife and children than is 'normal'. He is therefore a model father who loves His children to the extent that He is to them what God is to us. A Christian employee or employer does his or her job as Christ would do it in their place. The principle is readily applied to neighbourliness by a parable of Jesus and civil duty in rendering to 'Caesar what is Caesar's'.

Within the Church the link with Christ has its greatest impact for Christians are to be one ‑ an ideal unity that has never been known or equalled anywhere else. That was the model community that Jesus prayed for but after the Apostle fell asleep, was not often experienced during the next two thousand years.

The objective is to grow into the likeness of Christ. It is his image that He needs to see. The strange wrinkles in our knowledge and understanding of God's purpose can be ironed out in seconds of eternity but becoming like Christ takes a lifetime. It is so important that our intellectual understanding of the Scriptures does not cast a veil across the image and example of our Master. It is that reflection of Him that draws others to Him. It is not by superb oratory nor by clever argument that we shall draw men and women to Christ and frequently those skills repulse people especially younger folk. If we are truly 'in Christ', linked to Him by a spiritual life-line, we shall know what He wants us to do, and will do it joyfully. So, a Christian, a follower of Christ, is a doer of the Word rather than just a listener, we must listen in prayer often. A Christian is a man or woman of prayer rather than someone running around desperate to do something. Yet like Christ, the followers of Jesus have plenty to do ‑ their lives are not empty and certainly not boring. But as the physical activity inevitably becomes less, the link with Christ becomes stronger and the life becomes spiritually richer.

Jesus wonderful prayer has been answered. Throughout the Age, He has drawn men and women to Himself and God's Spirit has been changing them At last, they have been made ready for that final change that will liberate them from this body of sin and death (including brain) that has so often caused them to stumble and held them back. But no need fear, the Master Craftsman knows His task and we shall be ready. Let us then be workers together with God, co-operating with Him till He has completed this phase of His design in us.


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