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At the time when the Bible Study Monthly was first published in 1924 it served the needs of a number of Christian communities. The following article described a viewpoint which might be as inclusive as possible amid varying concepts of truth. Time has moved on and the Bible Study Monthly also serves many individuals and groups among many churches although most of the original groups in UK no longer exist. Current readers may find it of interest, even important, not just as an historic document but as containing much that is relevant to Christian people today ‑ as well as those when it was first written ‑ over a hundred years ago.


"Our Fellowship"

Our fellowship sprang up spontaneously and gradually. It is composed of thinking Christian people of various ages who are studying the Bible reverently and profitably. There are no limitations as to membership, except such as could be properly applied to any true Christian, (1) Faith in God as the great Creator and Heavenly Father, (2) Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the world's Redeemer, (3) Faith in the Bible—that it is the inspired message of God, respecting his will and purposes in connection with mankind, (4) A clean and honourable life.

We find this platform broad enough for all true Christians, regardless of denominational differences. We have no bondage, and anyone is as free to leave the local gatherings as to enter them. Indeed, following the example of the Early Church in this as well as in other matters, we avoid any special enrolment, or any special commitment as to faith and practice other than the broad principles already mentioned.

Each local gathering is independent, manages its own affairs, conducts its own meetings, and provides for its own expenses. The personnel of these gatherings come from all walks of life—labourers and physicians, pupils and teachers, housewives and the leisured.

There is reason why our position is blessed of God—the time mentioned in the Scriptures when the "wise" of God's people are to understand is here. The Scriptures show, what men are now beginning to realise, that we are in the dawn of a new era. This is the time concerning which God promised that He would give special enlightenment respecting his Word and his Plan, and the mystery of God should be finished.

Our fellowship therefore, while not affiliated to any of the older denominations and sects, is sympathetic with all Christian people of every creed. We realise that the various denominations were organised, not for the purpose of dividing and distracting the Lord's flock, but each with an endeavour to find the light and truth. We urge Christians to ignore all sectarian fetters and fancies, and would point out that there is one true Church, and but one Head of that Church.

Our fellowship therefore endeavours to bring all Christian people into relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, as his members. We recognise that the different denominations contain true people of God, and are glad to co-operate with them in any manner for the furtherance of the Lord's work in harmony with the Scriptures. We urge Christian people to stand for the Divine character, Plan and Word, even although this may mean opposition and persecution from those of sectarian spirit.

We labour therefore specially for Christian unity, on the Bible basis, in harmony with the words of the Apostle. "By one Spirit we are all baptised into one Body". (1 Cor. 12. 13).

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