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Strong Love

We think of Jesus and we think of love. He is the Son sent into the world by the Father's love, and when he went about doing good in the world, countless people must have had a taste of that love.

He even loved His enemies. This did not necessarily mean that He spoke kindly to them. The money changers found themselves driven out of the temple court (John 1.15), the Pharisees had their inner thoughts compared to the unpleasant things inside a grave which is painted to look good on the outside (Matthew 23.27). And there were those whom he must have loved but did not trust (John 2.34).

Those He spoke to were challenged with unexpected thoughts. To the disciples, faced with a hungry crowd ‑ "Well you feed them!" (Luke 9.13). To Nicodemus, in secret conclave by night ‑ "You can't even see God's kingdom unless you get born again" (John 3.3). To a struggling cripple ‑ "Do you really want to be well?" (John 5.6).

There are some of whom is is explicitly said that Jesus loved them, but He expected a lot from them. Like the well brought up young ruler ‑ "Sell your property and join my band of followers!" (Mark 10.21). Mary and Martha were kept waiting for a miracle, so that God's glory might be more fully seen (John 11.4,5). The disciples, whom he loved to the end, were made to sit down and wait for Him to wash their feet (John 13.1-2). John, standing near the Cross, was given responsibility for Jesus' much loved mother, who some might have thought Jesus had neglected for the past three years (John 19.26).

We need not think that being loved by Christ is only a matter of coming to Him when we are weary and overburdened (Matthew 11.28). He knows us as much as He loves us, and He challenges us in new ways to be His followers.


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