Reprinted booklets are available on request
'Samuel the Greatest of the Judges'
'The Beauty of Holiness'
'The Cup of the Lord'
'Jacob's Trouble'.
Also to be reprinted ‑
'Bible Book for Today'
and possibly 'Watcher in Gethsemane'.
We are grateful to the Brother who has undertaken the reprinting because we now need only stock several hundred copies of each title and this obviates handling heavy boxes.
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Some readers may be disappointed that the next part in the series Studies in the First Epistle of John have been omitted this time. DV it will be included in the contents of the May/June issue of the BSM.
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The Christian African Relief Trust is a charity that sends large quantities of clothing, food, medicines, educational supplies, literature. computers and very much more to Africa (and India). CART began in one Christian gentleman's home ‑ Christian brethren sent needed materials which snowballed so that storage was needed in a barn. Small parcels grew into huge 20 and 40 foot containers. The progress continued as schools and churches began to add to the flow of items sent ‑ bicycles and typewriters, knitting machines and computing materials ‑ aqua boxes and the initiation of major projects. The trustees of the charity never took a penny for expenses and all monies donated went directly to help those in need overseas. Representatives of CART visited the recipients in Africa ‑ and those who distributed the huge quantity of materials were seen to be genuinely in accordance with the charity's Christian ideals. Today CART operates in a well refurbished warehouse in Huddersfield, and close by is the shop, profits of which go directly to the large transit costs of the huge containers. God has truly blessed this wonderful work which in every respect expresses Christian love.
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The Bible Fellowship Eventide Trust is a registered charity that owns and manages Gainsborough House ‑ a Christian Retirement Home at Milborne Port.
Gainsborough House is a large Victorian villa where existing buildings surrounding a courtyard were developed into self-contained flats. Several of the flats are immediately available as permanent accommodation or for holidays. The centre is under the care of a Housekeeper who resides on the premises and who prepares an excellent mid-day meal. There are two lounges, a library, a pleasant garden and laundry utilities. It is set in beautiful rural surroundings with the sea and many places of interest easily accessible.
Medical & Scientific Aid for Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, a charity that has done wonders in those devastated lands by supporting the work of medical teams and hospitals. Their help to the British Friendship Hospital and to the Highlands Educational Development Organisation has been invaluable. Many in those lands whose start in life was so beset by illness deformity and the tragic results of war, have been given fresh hope and a fresh start. The charity has helped to equip clinics and units that operate in environments unimaginable to us in the West. May God continue to bless the work of this charity.
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