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Passages by Erich Sauer

"What we need is a renewed vision of the person of the Redeemer, a vision of the cross and a practical obedience to the ways of the cross, a thankful recognition of God's grace abundantly bestowing its blessings upon us. We must be taken hold of and be flooded through and through by the power of the Holy Spirit … this implies in detail that we must stand the test in difficulties, in sorrows, we must be able to dismiss the spirit of worrying and overcome all spiritual weariness and symptoms of fatigue, we must be ready to bear witness and must have a missionary spirit. Brotherly love and sanctification, prayerfulness and hearkening to the Word of God, must characterize us. All this will enable us to run steadfastly towards heaven and glory."


Into that Greek-Roman Mediterranean world the apostles carried the gospel of Jesus Christ. 'Jesus is Saviour' was their message. It is He who frees from the guilt and power of sin. Faith in Him creates new life, solves all problems, gives joy and strength, grants a victorious life, a living hope, and an eternal glorious goal. Therefore Christ is the revelation of the saving power of God. Where He reveals himself the powers of darkness are conquered. The gospel is the 'power of God' (Rom.1.16)


"How does God act? Does He only give us 'out of ' His riches? Here a little joy and there a little victory? Today a little help; and tomorrow perhaps an occasional answer to prayer? No, He the all sufficient One gives "according to" His riches. His standard is not our daily needs ‑ even though if this only were the case that would make us very happy. "As thy days so shall thy strength be" (Deut 33.21). But He uses the measure and criterion of eternity for our temporal needs and gives us His blessings "according to" His fullness. This is why the word "abound" is one of Paul's favourite expression."

Erich Sauer ‑ 'Arena of Faith'

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