Try This
This took place at a conference when we were studying an epistle. Paul's words were read out to the group, one section at a time, and each member quickly wrote down what the passage was saying. Straight away the next section was read, and so on, it was a good exercise. Afterwards, reading through what we had each written, although various points were missing, we had a summary of Paul's message.
Here is what one member of the group wrote. It is an exercise some readers may care to try. It helped us to concentrate, and gave us an overview. Since many translations are marked in paragraphs or sections it is possible to perform the exercise on your own, though we found a benefit in listening to the reader.
From Paul, authorised by God, to the called and faithful ‑ peace! (1 .1,2). We bless God, God blesses us, calls us, adopts us, gives us grace, accepts us, in Christ. (1.3‑6) He frees us, forgives us, showers us with rich grace, wisdom and insight (1.7‑8).
We are shown His eternal purpose, to unite everything everywhere in Christ (1.9‑10). We were chosen, from eternity, to be His special people, each one of us sealed with His Spirit, for His glory (1.11‑14).
For this reason, Paul always prays for the believers to be spiritually enlightened, and to know the power available to us all, through the exalted Christ, to God's glory. (1.15‑23) The dead state of the world, and under God's anger. We have been saved and raised to heavenly places, by grace. (2.1‑6) We are an example of grace for future ages ‑ God's work of art, as He meant us to be from the beginning. (2.7‑10)
The gentiles had no part in God's plan, no hope, but now have been included because of Christ's sacrifice. (2.11‑13)
Peace through Christ has brought unity, one body, reconciled to God. The Spirit opens up one way to the Father. One building, on the foundation of Christ. A Temple. (2.14‑22) The mystery of God's call to the gentiles has been kept secret, but now revealed by God through Paul, who explains it. How comprehensive God's wisdom is. Paul's sufferings are for the sake of the gentiles. (3.1‑13)
Paul's prayer for believers: that we should have a full comprehension of all God's love, grace and gifts, Christ in us, to God's glory. (3.14‑21)
Paul, in prison, prays for loving peaceful relationships. (4.1‑3) Unity in God. (4.4‑6) We each have our own share of grace, given by Christ, who came down to establish his redeemed church. Our gifts must build the unity of the church, as a body, growing in love. (4.7‑16)
Abandon worldly living. Spiritual revolution must regenerate our hearts. (4.17‑24). No more lies, stealing or anger, foul talk which grieves God's spirit. Be kind and forgiving. (4.25‑32) Follow Christ and His Father. Forsake sexual impurity, loose living makes God angry. (5.1‑7)
Live in light and expose the works of darkness. Awake to Christ's light. (5.8‑14) Be thoughtful and clear headed. Sing hymns and songs, in the Spirit to God's glory. (5.15‑20) Give way to others. (5.21) Husbands ‑ love. Wives ‑ submission, respect as to Christ. (5.22‑27) Husbands, picture of Christ. (5.28‑33) Children ‑ obedience/honour. Good parenting. (6.1‑4) Slaves ‑ obedience and respect. "Slaves of Christ". Employers ‑ treat slaves well, they are your brothers in Christ. (6.5‑9) Strong in the strength of God (6‑10). Armour for the fight against evil with prayer in the Spirit (6.11‑18). Pray for Paul in his opportunities to witness to his captors, and for Tichicus. Prayer for all. (6.19‑24)
Yes, this epistle was Ephesians. We do not claim the above as a perfect summary. It was done in haste under pressure, and our readers could possibly do better. But when Paul`s letter was first read aloud to the churches, their first impression may have been something not unlike this.