Sword against All Nations
In 1942, the booklet 'Jacob's Trouble' was published with a preface that hoped the booklet would "revive interest in the study of an important subject ‑ the manner in which the kingdoms of this world are to become the Kingdom of our God." It was thought then to be just an interim statement but it has stood the test of time. It was about that time the author of 'Jacob's Trouble' also wrote what has recently been called 'an apocalyptic novel' on the same subject. It was rejected by a Christian publisher and with one exception the novel was put under wraps and never seen again until Albert Hudson's effects were sorted out during the year 2000.
The author was a perfectionist concerning technical detail and always updated his own articles when they were reprinted. To update this novel would have required much of it to be re-written as the decades went by. A little reflection will recall that the technological and international political scene has vastly changed since then. The author enjoyed a humorous 'dig' at the social political stance of both east and west as is was in the 1930s. Mechanical technology has been upstaged by electronics. The book is very well written indeed and to try to bring it up to date would spoil the story. There is something of a romance behind the plot, quite beautifully written. The value of the book lies in the attempt of the author to suggest in story form the way in which the principles of God's kingdom will confront the nations of the world. We believe it is worthy of a wider reading public but there is only one copy of which we are taking great care.
We have pondered a fully printed and bound volume for dissemination but it is impossible to gauge interest that such a book would attract. We are therefore considering releasing it in some kind of serial form. . The book comprises nearly 70,000 words in 17 chapters. Its chapters vary in length. We do not wish to take up normal BSM space for this project but might increase the number of pages in each issue of the magazine during its serialization which would be over 2 ‑ 3 years.