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INDEX 2002

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Advocate, The

No.5 Sep/Oct

Balaam, Prophet of Aram

    1.An Invitation

    2.Opportunity Lost

    3.Balaam's Vision


No.1 Jan/Feb

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr


No.2 Mar/Apr

Cana Wedding

No.1 Jan/Feb

Cosmos out of Chaos

No.1 Jan/Feb

Eli, the Priest who failed

         2.Defeat or Victory


No.1 Jan/Feb

Elisha and the Two Bears

No.6 Nov/Dec

Everlasting Foundation of the Heavenly Temple - 1

No.6 Nov/Dec


         13.The Book of the Covenant

         14.The Golden Calf


         16.The Tabernacle


No.1 Jan/Feb

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.5 Sep/Oct

Jephthah's Daughter

No.6 Nov/Dec

King David of Israel

        1.The Anointing

        2.Encounter with Goliath

        3.The Popular Hero

        4 Fugitive in the Wilderness

        5 King in Hebron


No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.4 Jul/Aug

No.5 Sep/Oct

No.6 Nov/Dec

Miracle Book, The

No.1 Jan/Feb

No More Sea

No.4 Jul/Aug

Note on Acts 17. 28

No.5 Sep/Oct

Note on Genesis 1. 6-8

No.5 Sep/Oct

Question Time

No.2 Mar/Apr

Simon Peter Fisher of Men

      1.The Call

      2.Walking on Galilee

      3.Discovering Christ

      4.Temple Tax, Forgiveness and Rewards

      5.The Betrayal

      6.Resurrection Days


No.1 Jan/Feb

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.4 Jul/Aug

No.5 Sep/Oct

No.6 Nov/Dec

Study in the Gospel of Luke

         5.  4.1-30

         6.  4.31-44

        7.  5. 1-26

         8.  5.27 - 6.11

         9.  6. 12-49

         10 7


No.1 Jan/Feb

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.5 Sep/Oct

No.5 Sep/Oct

No.6 Nov/Dec

Translations of Topical Interest

No.2 Mar/Apr

True Church, The

No.2 Mar/Apr

Whip of Small Cords, The

No.2 Mar/Apr

Written Aforetime

         1. For Jew and Gentile?

         2. Promises of Old, Now Become New


No.4 Jul/Aug

No.5 Sep/Oct


All one in Christ Jesus

No.6 Nov/Dec

Angel of the Lord

No.6 Nov/Dec

Are You Able

No.2 Mar/Apr

Children of Your Father

No.2 Mar/Apr

Clay in the Hand of the Potter

No.5 Sep/Oct

Established, Strengthened, Settled

No.4 Jul/Aug

Great is Thy Faithfulness

No.4 Jul/Aug

Heirs of the Kingdom

No.5 Sep/Oct

His Calling

No.1 Jan/Feb


No.2 Mar/Apr

Inner Holiness

No.5 Sep/Oct

In Remembrance

No.2 Mar/Apr

Nativity of Jesus, Son of Mary, Son of God

No.6 Nov/Dec

Patiently Waiting

No.2 Mar/Apr

Power of Truth, The

No.4 Jul/Aug


No.2 Mar/Apr

Redeeming the Time

No.6 Nov/Dec

Straight for the Goal

No.1 Jan/Feb


No.4 Jul/Aug

Unity in Ephesians

No.2 Mar/Apr

Wake Up!

No.4 Jul/Aug

When you are old

No.5 Sep/Oct


The Glory of God Revealed

No.6 Nov/Dec

The Path of Greatness

No.6 Nov/Dec



No.5 Sep/Oct

Exodus 20-23



No.1 Jan/Feb

No.4 Jul/Aug

No.2 Mar/Apr

Numbers 22-24

No.1 Jan/Feb

No.2 Mar/Apr

Judges 11. 29-40

No.6 Nov/Dec

1 Samuel 2 - 3

No.1 Jan/Feb

1 Samuel 16. 6-14

No.2 Mar/Apr

1 Samuel 18

No.4 Jul/Aug

1 Samuel 19-31

No.5 Sep/Oct

2 Samuel 2-5

No.6 Nov/Dec

Psalm 19.4

No.1 Jan/Feb

Psalm 50

No.5 Sep/Oct

Psalm 78. 25

No.5 Sep/Oct

Job 37.14-16

No.1 Jan/Feb

Isaiah 28.16

No.6 Nov/Dec

Isaiah 53. 4-11

No.2 Mar/Apr

Lamentations 3.22,23 22,23

No.4 Jul/Aug

Matt 5. 44-48






No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.4 Jul/Aug

No.4 Jul/Aug

No.4 Jul/Aug

No.2 Mar/Apr

Mark 6. 45-52


No.2 Mar/Apr

No.5 Sep/Oct

Luke 2.9

No.6 Nov/Dec

Luke 4 1-30

        4. 31- 44



       18. 31-34



No.1 Jan/Feb

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.1 Jan/Feb

No.6 Nov/Dec

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.6 Nov/Dec

John  14. 26

         21. 18


No.5 Sep/Oct

No.5 Sep/Oct

No.6 Nov/Dec

Acts 4. 12


No.5 Sep/Oct

No.5 Sep/Oct


No.4 Jul/Aug

No.5 Sep/Oct

1Cor 7. 7-8

      15. 3-8

No.2 Mar/Apr

No.2 Mar/Apr

2 Cor. 3. 18

No.4 Jul/Aug

Eph. 1.18

       5. 4

No.5 Sep/Oct

No.5 Sep/Oct

Phil. 3.7-11


No.2 Mar/Apr

No.1 Jan/Feb

Col 1.19,20

No.6 Nov/Dec

James 2.5

No.5 Sep/Oct

1 Peter 5. 10

No.4 Jul/Aug

1 John 21.18

No.5 Sep/Oct


No.5 Sep/Oct


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